Saturday, June 25, 2011

Index Structures for Multimedia Databases

Here is a paper assignment I had to do for the "Query and Retrieval" course in 2011. The topic is "Index Structures for Multimedia Databases" which I found very interesting. I initially thought that there wouldn't be so much research going on in the field, but I was proved wrong.

Index Structures for Multimedia Databases


In this document we address the issue of index structures for multimedia objects. Video, audio and other inhomogeneous formats contain such amount of varying information that cannot be efficiently organized using conventional database techniques. However, fast accessing, response times and efficient sharing are keys issues when it comes to multimedia, due to their rapidly growing commercial and practical applications. An overview of the current drawbacks and limitations of typical index structures will be initially discussed. We will also investigate in which ways the multimedia storage issue can be transformed to the high-dimensional indexing problem. Most of the paper though is focused in presenting a series of generalized 1D and 2D structures while also algorithms specially designed for complicated data.

After I handed in the assignment I stumbled upon other methods such as VA-index; overall the paper contains lots of information and is well written.

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