Saturday, June 25, 2011


My second presentation for the course of "Models of Computation" investigated the ACT-R framework. This is actually a  very popular and interesting model of human cognition. It simulates, with the employment of modules, the functionality of fundamental brain parts.
    The idea behind the presentation was to introduce the model, then link it to Turing Machines and optionally to Post's Correspondence Problem. Since the connection of ACT-R to PCP is not possible, the corresponding slides are small in number. In order to compensate for that I investigated and presented the connection of ACT-R to Neural Networks (ACT-RN model).


1. HolgerSchultheis, "Computational and Explanatory Power of Cognitive Architectures: The Case of ACT-R “.J. R. Anderson, D. Bothell, M. D. Byrne “An Integrated Theory of the Mind”, (2004), Psychological Review, Vol. 111, No. 4,
2. John R. Anderson, “How Can the Human Mind Occur in the Physical Universe?” (2007),Oxford University Press
3. C. Labiere, John R. Anderson, “A Connectionism Implementation of the ACT-R Production System” (1993),In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society